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Aztect Root 100% Natural Dietary Supplement


Aztect Root 100% Natural Dietary Supplement


Swallow a micro dose of Root of Tejocote. It is swallowed like a pill, with a 16 oz bottle  or large glass of water. Drink 2-3 liters of water daily.  (4-8 bottles of water) Eat a banana a day. ( The banana is not required but is highly recommended to balance the eventual loss of potassium) You can also eat high potassium foods. Or used in conjunction with Moringa Con Guanabana.

Never take when fasting 


For adults and children 18 years of older. 

Do Not Take in The Following Cases:

Avoid during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding  up to 7 months). Do not give to children under 18 ( unless supervised by your doctor) Avoid patients who are emaciated or have pre-existing kidney or liver  disease. People with Anemia or in any kind of recovery.Never take when fasting 


Because this product is natural, almost everyone can safely use it. We have also discovered excellent results with people who have hypothyroidism, hypertension, diabetes, and other illnesses. If you have any of the mentioned, please only use with the proper guidance of an authorized distributor of Aztec Root LLC.


Since it is 100% natural it does not contraindicate with any medicine, even if they are extraordinarily strong or psychiatric. 


This product is effective if you are consistent and take it everyday without a break. To have the best visible results, you should take it for at least 6 months. The results are surprising and you will be pleased. 

Aztect Root 100% Natural Dietary Supplement
Aztect Root 100% Natural Dietary Supplement

Reactions in The Body

Everybody reacts differently to the treatment but in most cases the first couple days, you might visit the restroom more frequently because you will be detoxing. These effects can last for several weeks. When you start weight loss treatment, it is best to first detoxify and cleanse our stomach. The root will automatically clean your intestines so do not worry, this causes you to go frequently to the restroom and might result in loose stool. Once you pass the detox phase, you will feel cleanser and lighter. 


After a few days your body may hurt like if you worked out and are sore. This happens because your body is burning fat and separating fat from your muscles thus making them work harder. At this time, your muscles are releasing a liquid called lactic acid. This liquid burns the body fat. For example: when we exercise, we feel sore after workouts due to our muscles releasing lactic acid. You can take any kind of pain medication if necessary. 

Alterations to The Body

In women, it may alter the menstrual cycle because of metabolism changes and weight loss. Women's bodies are governed by hormones, once they lose weight and remove grease, hormones come into a revolution stage. The best thing is to go to your doctor. They can help you to regulate your hormones and menstruation. It is not necessary to distrust  the product. 


You might start to notice the product working right from the start, while others will take a little longer. In the first week you might notice inflammation decreasing in your abdomen area. In about a month and a half you might notice waist size reduction. First, you will lose inches then weight. It is better to lose size rather than weight because you eliminate fat, not water weight or muscle. However, when you lose weight quickly you weigh less because you lose water not fat. But that weight can easily be recovered. It is better to lose size because the effect is more durable. 

Aztect Root 100% Natural Dietary Supplement
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